NSF-CSEMS Undergraduate Scholarships
Information for Current Scholarship Recipients

The National Science Foundation has awarded a grant to the University of Delaware for undergraduate scholarships.  The goal of the grant is to increase the number of students who successfully complete a major in computer science, engineering, or mathematics.  Scholarships are renewable each year, based on the recipient meeting the expectations outlined below and the continued availability of funds from NSF.

Expectations of Scholarship Recipients:

Information and Questions

The project management team represents a collaboration of faculty from computer science, engineering, and mathematics, and administrative personnel from student affairs and financial planning, whose expertise includes teaching and mentoring students, advisement and support services, and financial aid administration.  Questions about the program in general should be addressed to Sandra Carberry at carberry@cis.udel.edu ; questions about financial aid eligibility should be directed to Johnie Burton  (Director of Financial Aid) at jburton@udel.edu ; questions may also be addressed to any member of the NSF-CSEMS committee whose
names and affiliations are given below: