A Lexical Database for Intelligent AAC Systems (abstract)

Wendy M. Zickus
Kathleen F. McCoy
Patrick W. Demasco
Christopher A. Pennington
COMMENTS:  (c) 1995 RESNA Press. Reprinted with permission


A typical non-computerized dictionary contains a wide range of information about words such as spelling, pronunciation, morphology, parts of speech, definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and other language features. The knowledge available in these dictionaries would be very useful for an intelligent AAC System; for instance, an AAC System that applies Natural Language Processing (NLP) in order to expand telegraphic messages.

This project focuses on the development of a comprehensive language database that integrates several complementary lexical resources with a single unified programming interface. This database will be used in the development of several systems that employ natural language parsing and generation techniques.