techexplorer Markup Compatibility

In this section we discuss how the markup supported by techexplorer compares to TeX, LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, and MathML. Generally speaking, if a feature is not mentioned, it is not supported. However, see Creating Documents for techexplorer markup extensions.

We have provided a LaTeX style file that provides definitions for almost all commands added by techexplorer. Exceptions to the support are indicated below.

It is very important to note that techexplorer is not "real TeX." techexplorer does not read LaTeX style files, though it can process some forms of macros and it can read input files. Some primitive TeX features such as character codes are not supported. Also, there is a limit on the size of file that can be read. Generally, if your document is more than about ten pages long you should consider breaking it into smaller pieces and adding hyperlinks. This makes for more effective electronic presentation of your text, in any case.

techexplorer supports all (96) Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 1.01 content tags and all (31) MathML 1.01 presentation tags. Support for many of the attributes modifying the appearance of presentation and content elements is also provided.


techexplorer supports # as part of a macro parameter name, $ and $$ as surrounding delimiters for math and display math environments, & in array and tabular environments as a cell separator, ~ as a tie character to prevent line breaking between words, _ and \sb to create a subscript, and ^ and \sp to create a superscript.

Units of measure

techexplorer supports the following standard units of measure: bp cc cm dd em ex \hsize in mm pc pt sp fil fill filll. Use a space before the units when you have optional parameters such as height for commands like \vrule.

Fonts and Styles

techexplorer supports the following commands to change fonts within a document. Note that the new LaTeX 2e font model using commands like \textup is not supported yet, and so a command like \textit is just a macro for {\it ...}. In particular, this means that \textit{\textbf{x}} will not give you a bold, italic 'x'.

\bf \displaystyle \em \emph \footnotesize \Huge \huge \it \LARGE \Large \large \mathbb \mathbf \mathcal \mathit \mathsf \mathtt \mit \normalsize \rm \sc \scriptscriptsize \scriptscriptstyle \scriptsize \scriptstyle \sf \sl \small \textbf \textit \textrm \textsf \textsl \textstyle \texttt \tiny \tt

Supported symbols

The techexplorer symbol font set shipped with the Professional Edition contains all the core LaTeX and AMS symbols. Other symbol font sets only support a subset of the symbols: unsupported symbols are shown in the text in red.

Here is an alphabetical listing of the symbol names:

\"A \"a \"E \"e \"I \"i \"O \"o \"U \"u \AA \aa \AE \ae \aleph \alpha \amalg \angel \angle \approx \ast \asymp \backprime \backslash \Bbbk \because \beta \beth \between \bigcap \bigcirc \bigcup \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \bigsqcup \bigstar \bigtriangledown \bigtriangleup \biguplus \bigvee \bigwedge \blacksquare \blacktriangle \blacktriangledown \blacktriangleleft \blacktriangleright \bot \bowtie \Box \box \boxdot \boxminus \boxplus \boxtimes \bullet \Bumpeq \bumpeq \Cap \cap \cdot \cents \chi \circ \circeq \circlearrowleft \circlearrowright \circledast \circledcirc \circleddash \clubsuit \compliment \cong \coprod \copyright \Cup \cup \curlyeqprec \curlyeqsucc \curvearrowleft \curvearrowright \dag \dagger \daleth \dashv \ddag \ddagger \Delta \delta \diagdown \diagup \diagup \Diamond \diamond \diamondsuit \digamma \div \doteq \doteqdot \dots \Downarrow \downarrow \downarrows \downharpoonleft \downharpoonright \ell \emptyset \epsilon \eqcirc \eqslantless \equiv \eta \eth \exists \fallingdotseq \Finv \flat \forall \frown \Game \Gamma \gamma \ge \geq \geqq \geqslant \geqslant \gg \ggg \gimel \gnapprox \gneq \gneqq \gnsim \gt \gtreqless \gtreqqless \gtrless \gtrsim \gvertneqq \hbar \heartsuit \hookleftarrow \hookrightarrow \hslash \i \Im \imath \in \infty \int \intercal \iota \j \jmath \Join \kappa \Lambda \lambda \land \langle \lceil \le \leadsto \Leftarrow \leftarrow \leftharpoondown \leftharpoonup \leftleftarrows \Leftrightarrow \leftrightarrow \leftrightarrows \leftrightharpoons \leftrightsquigarrow \leq \leqq \leqslant \lessaprox \lesseqgtr \lesseqqgtr \lessgrt \lesssim \lfloor \lhd \ll \llcorner \lll \lnapprox \lneq \lneqq \lnsim \Longleftarrow \longleftarrow \Longleftrightarrow \longleftrightarrow \longmapsto \Longrightarrow \longrightarrow \looparrowleft \looparrowright \lor \lozenge \lq \lrcorner \Lsh \lt \ltimes \lvertneqq \mapsto \measuredangle \mho \mho \mid \models \mp \mu \multimap \nabla \natural \ncong \ne \nearrow \neg \neq \nexists \ngeq \ngeqq \ngtr \ni \nLeftarrow \nleftarrow \nLeftrightarrow \nleftrightarrow \nleq \nleqq \nleqslant \nless \nmid \nparallel \nprec \npreceq \nqeqslant \nRightarrow \nrightarrow \nshortmid \nshortparallel \nsim \nsubseteq \nsubseteqq \nsucc \nsucceq \nsupseteq \nsupseteqq \ntriangleleft \ntriangleright \nu \nVDash \nVdash \nvDash \nvdash \nwarrow \O \o \odot \OE \oe \oint \Omega \omega \ominus \oplus \oslash \otimes \P \parallel \partial \perp \Phi \phi \Pi \pi \pitchfork \pm \pounds \prec \precapprox \preccurlyeq \preceq \precnapprox \precnsim \precsim \prime \prod \propto \Psi \psi \rangle \rceil \Re \registered \rfloor \rhd \rho \Rightarrow \rightarrow \rightharpoondown \rightharpoonup \rightleftarrows \rightleftharpoons \rightrightarrows \risingdotseq \rq \Rsh \rtimes \S \searrow \setminus \sharp \shortmid \shortparallel \Sigma \sigma \sim \simeq \slash \smile \spadesuit \sphericalangle \sqcap \sqcup \sqsubset \sqsubset \sqsubseteq \sqsupset \sqsupset \sqsupseteq \square \ss \star \subset \subseteq \subsetneqq \succ \succapprox \succapprox \succcurlyeq \succeq \succnapprox \succnsim \succsim \sum \supset \supseteq \supsetneq \supsetneqq \surd \swarrow \tau \texteuro \therefore \Theta \theta \thickapprox \thicksim \THORN \Thorn \thorn \times \to \top \trademark \triangle \triangledown \triangleleft \trianglelefteq \triangleq \triangleright \trianglerighteq \twoheadleftarrow \twoheadrightarrow \ulcorner \unlhd \unrhd \Uparrow \uparrow \Updownarrow \updownarrow \upharpoonleft \upharpoonright \uplus \Upsilon \upsilon \urcorner \varepsilon \varkappa \varnothing \varphi \varpi \varrho \varsigma \varsubsetneq \varsubsetneq \varsubsetneqq \varsupsetneq \varsupsetneqq \vartheta \vartriangle \vartriangleleft \vartriangleright \Vdash \vDash \vdash \vee \Vert \vert \Vvdash \wedge \wp \wr \Xi \xi \zeta

Supported commands

The following commands are supported, but see the notes and restrictions below. Also, commands with hyperlinks have additional information available.

$ $$ -- --- \! \$ \& \> \, \/ \: \; \{ \} \[ \] \( \) \^ \_ \\ \| ^ _ \acute \addtocounter \Alph \alph \arabic \arccos \arcsin \arctan \arg \atop \author \begingroup \bf \bgroup \bibitem \big \bigl \bigm \bigr \Bigl \Big \Bigm \Bigr \bigg \biggl \biggm \biggr \Bigg \Biggl \Biggm \Biggr \bigskip \Bmatrix \bmatrix \bmod \bold \boxed \break \caption \cases \cdots \centering \centerline \cfrac \chapter \char \choose \circle \circle* \cite \colon \color \colorbox \cos \cosh \cot \coth \csc \csch \date \ddot \ddots \ddotsb \ddotsc \ddotsi \ddotsm \def \deg \det \dfrac \dim \displaylines \displaystyle \dot \egroup \em \emph \endgroup \enskip \enspace \ensuredisplaymath \ensuremath \eqno \erf \errmessage \exp \fbox \fcolorbox \fnsymbol \footnotesize \frac \framebox \gcd \graphpaper \grave \H \hat \hbox \hfil \hfill \hfilll \hline \hom \hphantom \hrule \hsize \hskip \hspace \hspace* \hss \Huge \huge \idotsint \iff \ifmmode \iint \iiint \iiiint \impliedby \implies \includegraphics \index \inf \it \kern \joinrel \ker \label \LARGE \Large \large \LaTeX \lbrace \lbrack \lcm \ldots \left \leftline \leqno \lg \lim \liminf \limits \limsup \line \linethickness \llap \ln \log \lower \lowercase \lVert \lvert \makebox \maketitle \mathbb \mathbf \mathbin \mathcal \mathchoice \mathclose \mathit \mathop \mathop \mathopen \mathord \mathrel \mathsf \mathstrut \mathtt \matrix \matrixput \max \mbox \medbreak \medspace \medskip \min \mit \multicolumn \multiput \negmedspace \negthinspace \newcommand \newcounter \newenvironment \newif \newline \nolimits \normalsize \not \notin \null \operatorname \oval \over \overbrace \overbracket \overline \overrightarrow \overset \pagecolor \par \paragraph \parbox \part \phantom \pmatrix \pmod \pod \Pr \prime \providecommand \put \qbezier \qed \qedsymbol \qquad \quad \raggedleft \raggedright \raise \raisebox \rbrace \rbrack \refstepcounter \relax \renewcommand \renewenvironment \rgb \right \rightline \rlap \rm \root \Roman \roman \rule \rVert \rvert \sb \sc \scriptscriptsize \scriptscriptstyle \scriptsize \scriptstyle \shadowbox \sec \sech \section \setstyle \sf \shortstack \sin \sinh \sl \small \smallskip \smallmatrix \smash \sp \space \sqrt \stackrel \stepcounter \strut \subparagraph \subsection \subsubsection \sup \tan \tanh \TeX \text \textbf \textcolor \textit \textrm \textsf \textsl \textstyle \texttt \tfrac \thanks \thebibliography \thechapter \theenumi \theenumii \theenumiii \theenumiv \theequation \thefigure \thefootnote \thempfootnote \thepage \theparagraph \thepart \thesection \thesubparagraph \thesubsection \thesubsubsection \thetable \thicklines \thickspace \thinlines \thinspace \tilde \tiny \title \today \tt \underbar \underbrace \underbracket \underline \underset \uppercase \value \vbox \vdots \vector \verb \Vmatrix \vmatrix \vphantom \vrule \vskip \vss \vtop \widehat \widetilde \zag \zig

Accepted but ignored commands

The following commands are accepted but are ignored when composing and displaying a document.

\@ \- \addcontentsline \addtocontents \addtolength \allowbreak \and \bibliographystyle \boldmath \break \brokenpenalty \bye \cleardoublepage \clearpage \cline \clubpenalty \DeclareMathOperator \definecolor \displaywidowpenalty \documentclass \documentstyle \eject \end \floatingpenalty \font \fontencoding \fontfamily \fontseries \fontshape \fontsize \footnotemark \frenchspacing \fussy \goodbreak \hyphenation \indent \interlinepenalty \let \linebreak \long \looseness \markboth \markright \newblock \newlength \newpage \newtheorem \noalign \nobreak \nocite \nocorr \nofrenchspacing \noindent \nolinebreak \nomargins \nonumber \nopagebreak \nopagenumbers \null \pagebreak \pagenumbering \pagestyle \postdisplaypenalty \predisplaypenalty \protect \putat \raggedbottom \relax \selectfont \setlength \settodepth \settoheight \settowidth \singlespace \sloppy \special \techexplorerfalse \techexplorertrue \thispagestyle \typeout \unboldmath \usefont \usepackage \widowpenalty

Handling of style parameters

In this release of techexplorer, most style parameters are ignored. Thus, for example, you cannot set page and margin widths. Any settings for the following parameters will be accepted when read in a document, and then ignored.

abovedisplayshortskip abovedisplayskip arraycolsep arrayrulewidth baselineskip baselinestretch belowdisplayshortskip belowdisplayskip bibindent columnsep columnseprule dblfloatsep dbltextfloatsep doublerulesep emergencystretch epsfxsize evensidemargin fboxrule fboxsep floatsep footnotesep footskip hangafter hangindent headheight headsep hoffset hsize intextsep jot leftskip linewidth magnification magstep marginparpush marginparsep marginparwidth mathindent oddsidemargin pageheight pagewidth parindent parskip rightskip tabbingsep tabcolsep textfloatsep textheight textwidth topmargin topskip voffset vsize

Notes and restrictions

Macro and environment definitions

Supported forms

techexplorer implements a subset of the TeX \def (and \gdef) macro facilities and a subset of the LaTeX \newcommand, \renewcommand, \providecommand, and \newenvironment facilities. \newcommand, \renewcommand, and \providecommand are all treated like \newcommand with no check for previous definition.

techexplorer implements \newenvironment and \renewenvironment without the optional argument. \renewenvironment is treated like \newenvironment with no check for previous definition. Like LaTeX, techexplorer implements environments in terms of macro definitions for the beginning and end of the environment. Note, however, that techexplorer defines the macros \beginENV and \endENV for \newenvironment{ENV} while LaTeX defines the macros \ENV and \endENV.


An important difference between TeX and techexplorer currently is that in techexplorer all macros are available anywhere in the document, not just within the group in which they are defined. Moreover, if you use \gdef or \global\def, macros defined in one document can be used without redefinition in another document if the plug-in is not reloaded by your browser.

A techexplorer extension is \globalnewcommand. This acts like \newcommand except that the definition is available in all documents currently loaded. Similarly, \globalnewenvironment saves its definitions globally compared to \newenvironment.

If you are using Microsoft Windows and are using techexplorer to display full documents (as opposed to math rendered within an HTML page), you should assume that the plug-in is unloaded between each document. One possible exception currently occurs when a techexplorer document is always visible in a frame. Generally, the question of when the plug-in is unloaded and reloaded is browser and version dependent. If you rely on knowing that the plug-in is not unloaded (and thus all "global" macro definitions not lost), be sure to test your documents on a range of browsers.

Current restrictions

Counters and automatic numbering

In this release, techexplorer only supports automatic numbering for footnotes, figures, and tables. Thus, in particular, sections and equations are not automatically numbered and so need to be numbered explicitly.

However, LaTeX counters are supported and will be used to fully implement automatic numbering in future releases. The commands \newcounter, \addtocounter, \stepcounter, \refstepcounter, \value, \arabic, \alph, \Alph, \roman, \Roman, and \fnsymbol are all defined, as is \thecounter when \newcounter{counter} has been issued.

The counters page, equation, figure, table, footnote, mpfootnote, enumi, enumii, enumiii, and enumv are all predefined, though most, as noted above, are not yet used internally.

As of Version 2.5 of techexplorer, the heading counters part, chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph, and subparagraph all work but are not displayed, by default. We accomplished this by setting secnumdepth = -2, but you can change this by setting secnumdepth to a larger value. Because older versions of techexplorer did not support heading counters, many people manually inserted heading numbers in their section titles without using the "*" forms of the headings (e.g., \section*). Thus these headings would be displayed with two section numbers if we universally set secnumdepth to a larger value.

Note that it is likely that secnumdepth will be set to the standard LaTeX value in later versions of techexplorer.

We also now define macros such as \thesection but these may need manual redefinition since styles are not yet supported by techexplorer.

Captions and automatic numbering in figures and tables are supported in techexplorer. The commands \thefigure and \thecaption can be redefined to yield custom numbering of figures and tables, respectively. Similarly, the command \thefootnote can be redefined to yield custom numbering of footnotes, e.g.,


LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX environments

See Macro and environment definitions for information on defining new environments.

Supported and partially supported environments

The following environments are supported to some degree:

align align* abstract array Bmatrix bmatrix center description displaymath document enumerate eqnarray eqnarray* equation figure flushleft flushright gather gather* Huge huge itemize LARGE Large large math matrix minipage normalsize pmatrix quotation quote picture slide small smallmatrix tabbing table tabular tiny titlepage verbatim Vmatrix vmatrix

See the following environment-specific notes for more details about restrictions. Note that arguments to \documentclass and \documentstyle are not supported yet, so those arguments will not affect the formatting of environments.


The abstract is placed where the environment occurs and is not usually placed on a separate page when printed.

align and align*

Automatic equation number is not yet available for the align environment. Spacing around the alignment point is too large, as this is currently implemented via the array environment.


\vline is not supported.


This is supported, but the optional argument to \\ is ignored.


This is supported, along with embedded an \eqno or \leqno. This is the same as the $$...$$ form. The pair \[ and \] is a synonym for this environment.


While techexplorer may correctly display your document if this is omitted, the \begin{document} must be present in order for titlepage information from the titlepage environment to be displayed with \maketitle.

eqnarray and eqnarray*

Automatic equation number is not yet available for the eqnarray environment.


Automatic equation number is not yet available for the equation environment.


This is supported, but the optional argument to \\ is ignored.


This is supported, but the optional argument to \\ is ignored.

gather and gather*

Automatic equation number is not yet available for the gather environment.


This is supported. This is the same as the $...$ form. The pair \( and \) is a synonym for this environment.


The height and inner_pos optional parameters introduced in LaTeX 2e are read but then are ignored. (They are similarly ignored for \parbox.)


New in Version 2.5!

The commands \circle, \circle*, \framebox, \graphpaper, \line, \linethickness, \makebox, \matrixput, \multiput, \oval, \put, \qbezier, \shortstack, \thicklines, \thinlines, and \vector, are all supported. Redefine \qbeziermax to get more or fewer than the default 500 points calculated. (Remember that techexplorer does not respect groups for macro definitions, so any redefinition will have document scope.)

The commands \dashbox, and \savebox are not yet supported.


This is supported only in the sense that horizontal rules are displayed at the top and bottom of the slide material.


\vline is not supported.


\begin{document} must be present in your document in order for titlepage information from the titlepage environment to be displayed with \maketitle.

Unsupported environments

The following environments are not supported. Other environments not listed here may also be unsupported.

figure* list table* trivlist verbatim* verse

Extensions to environments

The "p" column argument to "array" or "tabular"

If a single p column argument to an array or tabular environment is a given a 0 width (such as 0in, 0pt, and so on), that column is given the remaining width on the screen after the widths of all other columns and vertical rules are computed. This flexibility lets you create tables and arrays that use the full width of the window. It is common to use this in one of the final columns in the array or table. For example, \begin{tabular}{|l|c|p{0in}|} ... .

Support for this extension is not included in the LaTeX style file for techexplorer.

MathML environment

MathML element tags supported

The following MathML presentation element tags are fully supported:

<maction> <maligngroup> <malignmark> <math> <merror> <mfenced> <mfrac> <mi> <mmultiscripts> <mn> <mo> <mover> <mpadded> <mphantom> <mprescripts> <mroot> <mrow> <ms> <mspace> <msqrt> <mstyle> <msub> <msubsup> <msup> <mtable> <mtd> <mtext> <mtr> <munder> <munderover> <none>

The following MathML content element tags are fully supported:

<abs> <and> <annotation-xml> <annotation> <apply> <arccos> <arcsin> <arctan> <bvar> <ci> <cn> <compose> <condition> <conjugate> <cos> <cosh> <cot> <coth> <csc> <csch> <declare> <degree> <determinant> <diff> <divide> <eq> <exists> <exp> <factorial> <fn> <forall> <gcd> <geq> <gt> <ident> <implies> <in> <int> <intersect> <interval> <inverse> <lambda> <leq> <limit> <list> <ln> <log> <logbase> <lowlimit> <lt> <matrix> <matrixrow> <max> <mean> <median> <min> <minus> <mode> <moment> <neq> <not> <notin> <notprsubset> <notsubset> <or> <partialdiff> <plus> <power> <product> <prsubset> <quotient> <reln> <rem> <root> <sdev> <sec> <sech> <selector> <semantics> <sep> <set> <setdiff> <sin> <sinh> <subset> <sum> <tan> <tanh> <tendsto> <times> <transpose> <union> <uplimit> <variance> <vector> <xor>

Note that this list contains the entire collection of MathML presentation and content tags described in the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 1.01 Specification, including the semantics tags.

MathML attributes supported

techexplorer supports all (72) MathML 1.01 attribute names in some way. At minimum, each of the attribute names are accepted and their values are checked for conformance to the MathML 1.01 Recommendation. The following is a list of all of the attributes in the MathML 1.01 Recommendation:

accent accentunder actiontype align alignmentscope altimg alttext background base baseline class close closure color columnalign columnlines columnspacing columnspan definitionURL depth displaystyle edge encoding equalcolumns equalrows fence fontfamily fontsize fontstyle fontweight form frame framespacing groupalign height id largeop linethickness lquote lspace macros maxsize minsize mode movablelimits name nargs occurrence open order other overflow rowalign rowlines rowspacing rowspan rquote rspace scope scriptlevel scriptminsize scriptsizemultiplier selection separator separators stretchy style subscriptshift superscriptshift symmetric type width

MathML 1.01 attributes accepted and ignored

For various reasons, the behaviors of a number of MathML 1.01 attributes are not supported in techexplorer. Many attributes have no impact on the rendering of MathML expressions, others may be inappropriate for other reasons. The following attributes are accepted and ignored:

class style id fence separator alignmentscope groupalign edge nargs occurrence scope definitionURL encoding macros name altimg alttext fontfamily fontsize order overflow baseline

MathML 1.01 attribute behavior support

The behaviors of the remaining attributes are supported in techexplorer as described in detail in the following paragraphs. The attributes are organized according to the section where the attributes are described in the MathML 1.01 Recommendation.

2.3.4 Global attributes [class, style, id]
  1. techexplorer accepts and ignores these attributes.
3.2.1 Font info attributes [fontfamily, fontstyle, fontweight]
  1. techexplorer accepts and ignores fontfamily.
  2. Setting the fontstyle attribute to italic inserts \it.
  3. Setting the fontweight attribute to
  4. bold inserts \bf.
  5. Most operator symbols will look the same normal/bold/italic.
  6. Bold italic is not supported; italic overrides bold.
3.2.4 Operator dictionary attributes [form, fence, separator]
  1. Setting the form attribute controls the default values of other attributes.
  2. techexplorer accepts and ignores the fence and separator attributes.
3.2.4 Operator displaystyle attributes [largeop, movablelimits]
  1. Setting the largeop attribute controls whether large operators are used when displaystyle="true".
  2. techexplorer does not support large operators for CircleMinus and the ContourIntegral variants.
  3. Setting the movablelimits attribute propagates to the LaTeX nodes.
3.2.4 Operator space attributes [lspace, rspace]
  1. Setting the lspace and rspace attributes control how much space is inserted to the left/right of an operator.
3.2.4 Operator stretching attributes [stretchy, symmetric, maxsize, minsize]
  1. MathML stretch contexts (mrow, mover, munder, munderover) are converted to LaTeX stretch contexts that support stretchable operators.
  2. Setting the stretchy, symmetric, maxsize, and minsize attributes affect the behavior of stretchable operators as expected.
  3. Stretchable operators in table cells [mtd] are not [yet] supported.
3.2.6 Space attributes [height, depth, width]
  1. Setting the height attribute creates an empty box with height.
  2. Setting the depth attribute creates an empty box with depth.
  3. Setting the width attribute creates an empty box with width.
3.2.7 Quote attributes [lquote, rquote]
  1. Setting the lquote attribute overrides the left quote mark.
  2. Setting the rquote attribute overrides the right quote mark.
3.3.2 Fraction attributes [linethickness]
  1. Setting the linethickness creates a line thickness unit node: thin lines are half pixel width; medium lines are pixel width; thick lines are two pixel width.
3.3.4 Font color attributes [background, color]
  1. Setting the color attribute translates to a TeX \color{} node.
  2. Setting the background attribute translate to a colorbox node.
  3. Setting the background to transparent is merely ignored.
3.3.4 Font size attributes [fontsize, displaystyle, scriptlevel, scriptminsize, scriptsizemultiplier]
  1. Setting the scriptlevel, scriptminsize, and scriptsizemultiplier attributes affect the value of the fontsize attribute.
  2. Setting the displaystyle attribute affects the behavior of the largeop and movablelimits attributes of mo.
  3. techexplorer accepts and ignores the fontsize attribute. techexplorer computes the correct value of the attribute on each node.
3.3.6 Padding attributes [height, depth, width, lspace]
  1. Setting these attributes on an mpadded node creates a TFmtPaddedNode with the same attributes.
  2. Using lspace as a relative unit is not supported.
3.3.8 Fence attributes [open, close, separators]
  1. Setting the open attribute creates a left node.
  2. Setting the close attribute creates a right node.
  3. Setting the separators attribute creates separator nodes.
3.4.3 Script attributes [subscriptshift, superscriptshift]
  1. Setting the subscriptshift attribute creates a subscript-shift attribute.
  2. Setting the superscriptshift attribute creates a supscript-shift attribute. The shift attributes give minimum vertical shifts for exponent baselines.
3.4.6 Accent attributes [accent, accentunder]
  1. Case 1: movablelimits=true displaystyle=false [Draw the arguments in script position]
  2. Case 2: accent[under]=true [Draw the arguments in accent position (closer)]
  3. Case 3: accent[under]=false [Draw the arguments in limit position (smaller)]
3.5.1 Table sizing attributes [equalrows, equalcolumns]
  1. Setting the equalrows attribute creates rows of equal height.
  2. Setting the equalcolumns attribute creates columns of equal width.
3.5.1 Table spacing attributes [framespacing, rowspacing, columnspacing]
  1. The spacing attributes control the amount of whitespace between table rows (rowspacing), table columns (columnspacing) and between the table and its frame (framespacing).
3.5.1 Table lines attributes [frame, rowlines, columnlines]
  1. The lines attributes control the drawing of lines between rows (rowlines) between columns (columnlines) and around the table (frame).
3.5.1 Table alignment attributes [align, rowalign, columnalign]
  1. The alignment attributes control the alignment of rows (rowalign) the alignment of columns (columnalign) and the alignment of the table as a whole (align).
3.5.3 Table span attributes [rowspan, columnspan]
  1. The span attributes control the number of rows (rowspan) and columns (columnspan) covered by a particular element of a table.
3.5.4 Table alignment group attributes [alignmentscope, groupalign, edge]
  1. techexplorer accepts and ignores these attributes.
3.6.1 Action attributes [actiontype, selection, other]
  1. techexplorer supports the following values for actiontype:
    1. actiontype="toggle"
    2. actiontype="statusline"
    3. actiontype="tooltip"
    4. actiontype="menu"
    5. actiontype="labellink"
    6. actiontype="doclink"
    7. actiontype="applink"
    8. actiontype="audio"
    9. actiontype="video"
    10. actiontype="usemenu"
  2. techexplorer accepts and ignores actiontype="highlight".
4.3.2 Content attributes [base, closure, definitionURL, encoding, nargs, occurrence, order, scope, type]
  1. techexplorer accepts and ignores definitionURL, encoding, order.
  2. techexplorer accepts and ignores nargs, occurrence, scope.
  3. Setting the base attribute on cn displays the base as a subscript.
  4. Setting the closure attribute on interval modifies the enclosing parens.
  5. Setting the type attribute customizes the display of the element.
7.1.1 Interface attributes [macros, mode, type, name, overflow, altimg, alttext] [height, depth, width, baseline]
  1. techexplorer accepts and ignores macros, name, overflow, altimg, alttext.
  2. techexplorer accepts and ignores height, depth, width, baseline on math.
  3. techexplorer accepts and ignores the type attribute on math.
  4. Setting the mode attribute controls display/inline expression layout.

MathML entities supported

MathML 1.01 defines 2164 entities. All of these entities are recognized by name by techexplorer, and 778 are supported in some fashion.

The following pages list the MathML entities by code position, and document techexplorer's support for the MathML entities.

Code PositionsTotal Number of EntitiesNumber Supported
0x0000 - 0x00FF150150
0x0100 - 0x01FF123113
0x0200 - 0x02FF1414
0x0300 - 0x03FF126111
0x0400 - 0x04FF920
0x2000 - 0x20FF5231
0x2100 - 0x21FF22682
0x2200 - 0x22FF525195
0x2300 - 0x23FF322
0x2400 - 0x24FF30
0x2500 - 0x25FF8014
0x2600 - 0x26FF1812
0x2700 - 0x27FF60
0x3000 - 0x30FF160
0xE200 - 0xE2FF26226
0xE300 - 0xE3FF1560
0xE400 - 0xE4FF160
0xE500 - 0xE5FF1220
0xE600 - 0xE6FF50
0xE700 - 0xE7FF430
0xE800 - 0xE8FF3920
0xF400 - 0xF4FF70
0xF500 - 0xF5FF280
0xF600 - 0xF6FF100
0xF700 - 0xF7FF88
0xFB00 - 0xFBFF50

An unrecognized entity in MathML markup (that is, one not defined by MathML) is rendered in red as an invalid entity reference by techexplorer.

Bad MML Entity

When techexplorer recognizes an entity as one defined by MathML, it translates it to its numerical code position. Code positions that are not supported by techexplorer are displayed in red as an unsupported code position.

Bad MML Entity

Finally, there are times when there is a correct LaTeX equivalent for an entity code position that uses features of LaTeX that techexplorer does not currently support. In these cases the unsupported LaTeX control sequences will be displayed as they would if they appeared in similar LaTeX markup.

Bad MML Entity

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