Extending techexplorer via Add-ins

The techexplorer add-in API

The feature described is only available in the Professional Edition of techexplorer.

A techexplorer add-in is implemented as a dynamically linked code module. In the Microsoft Windows 98/95/NT platform this module is a dynamic link library, also known as a DLL. This section provides an overview of the techexplorer add-in API, the communication channel between add-ins and techexplorer. In particular we describe how add-in and techexplorer functions are called within an add-in DLL through entry points defined during compile time. Via a discussion of the DLL entry points, you learn that the techexplorer add-in API provides three classes of functions.

We begin with a discussion of the techexplorer API functions, the techexplorer functions callable by an add-in. We then detail the add-in API routines, those functions provided by the add-in and callable by techexplorer. We finish our discussion of the add-in API by detailing the Document Object Model (DOM) API. The section concludes with a brief explanation of all of the techexplorer add-in API functions and set the stage for the annotated techexplorer add-in API Reference Guide.

Add-in API entry points

The three types of add-in API functions are

Much like the Netscape plug-in API, the techexplorer add-in API uses three entry points for managing the connection between an add-in and techexplorer. These are TA_GetEntryPoints, TA_Initialize and TA_Shutdown.

Immediately after an add-in is loaded, the DLL routine TA_Initialize is called. This routine checks for add-in API compatibility and initializes a global pointer to all the techexplorer entry points. After TA_Initialize is called and returns a successful result, the DLL entry point routine TA_GetEntryPoints is called. TA_GetEntryPoints provides techexplorer with the ability to call routines defined by the add-in. Since the connection between techexplorer and the add-in has been made, no other DLL entry point is used until the add-in is unloaded from memory. At that point, TA_Shutdown is called and used to invoke the AddInShutdown routine and clear all global pointers.

As an add-in developer, you do not need to concern yourself with techexplorer's use of function tables and DLL entry points. The underlying DLL initialization and shutdown phases are transparent to the add-in. The only visible and useful routines are the add-in API routines implemented by both techexplorer and add-ins.

There are four categories of add-in API functions:

Category Description
Initialization and destruction Methods that manage the basic operations of initialization, instance creation, instance destruction and shutdown.
Asynchronous operations Routines for handling non-blocking asynchronous requests to and from techexplorer.
Evaluation API Functions that manage requests to process application specific data from a techexplorer document or Java.
Document Object Model Methods on C++ classes defined by the W3C Document Object Model interface.
Utility General support and information routines.

We next discuss and categorize each of the techexplorer add-in API routines.

techexplorer API functions

The techexplorer API functions begin with the techexplorer convention and are routines implemented by techexplorer and callable by an add-in. The exception to this convention is the implementation of the Document Object Model API where method names are defined by the DOM specification. The techexplorer API provides four functions: techexplorerGetLocalFileNameForURL, techexplorerDisableEvaluate, techexplorerEnableEvaluate, and techexplorerVersion.

The techexplorerGetLocalFileNameForURL function is categorized as an Asynchronous operation. An add-in uses this to request the content of a URL. When the URL content arrives, the add-in receives notification. This call is non blocking and is matched with the add-in API call AddInLocalFileIsReady.

The techexplorerDisableEvaluate and techexplorerEnableEvaluate routines are part of the Evaluation API. They are used to enable and disable \evalLink execution, respectively. These functions are often used in conjunction with techexplorerGetLocalFileNameForURL and AddInLocalFileIsReady in order to disable an \evalLink when a URL is being fetched over the Internet.

The techexplorerVersion is a Utility routine for retrieving add-in API information.

Add-in API functions

The add-in API functions begin with the AddIn convention and are routines implemented by an add-in and callable by techexplorer. The techexplorer add-in API provides seven functions that are to be implemented by a techexplorer add-in:

The AddInInitialize function is called by techexplorer when the add-in code is first loaded. The AddInNew function is used to notify an add-in that a new instance has been created. When a particular instance is no longer needed and is to be deleted, techexplorer calls the AddInDestroy routine. The AddInShutdown function is called when the last instance of an add-in is deleted and the add-in code about to be removed from memory. Each of the aforementioned functions are categorizes as Initialization and destruction routines.

The AddInLocalFileIsReady is an Asynchronous operation that is called when the contents of a requested URL (via techexplorerGetLocalFileNameForURL) is available as a local file.

The AddInEvaluate routine is used to request that an add-in process a piece of data and is part of the Evaluation API.

The AddInBlockingEvaluate routine is used to request that an add-in process a piece of data and return an value. It is part of the Evaluation API.

The AddInGetMIMEDescription provides techexplorer with the MIME type, file extension, and description associated with an add-in and is part of the Utility category of routines. Note that on Windows 98/95/NT, techexplorer uses the AddInGetMIMEDescription function in conjunction with information provided by the add-in in the "version resource block" of the DLL.

Document Object Model (DOM) API

The Document Object Model provides a standard set of objects for representing documents, a standard model of how these objects can be combined, and a standard interface for accessing and manipulating objects. The techexplorer add-in interface supports the DOM by providing a C++ language binding. Each of the DOM objects are represented as C++ classes where class methods provide the functionality defined by the corresponding DOM interface.

When an add-in is first loaded, the TA_Initialize function creates and stores an instance of the TEDOMFactory class in the global g_pDOMFactory variable. The getDocumentNode method, defined in TEDOMFactory, provides access to the currently loaded techexplorer Document object. With a Document object in hand, an add-in can access and mutate objects in the techexplorer document tree.

The TEDOMFactory and C++ language binding of the DOM interface provide a thin layer to the internal techexplorer document structure. The TEDOMFactory serves as a marshal that manages the creation and destruction of C++ DOM objects. As a consequence, there is no need to delete objects that result from DOM operations. They will simply be garbage collected by the TEDOMFactory.

A quick look at the techexplorer add-in API

Here is a brief overview and link for each function used in the techexplorer add-in API.

Initialization and Destruction Description
AddInInitialize Called after the add-in has been dynamically loaded, used for "global" initializations.
AddInShutdown Invoked immediately before an add-in is unloaded, used to free any "global" resources.
AddInNew Called to indicate a new add-in instance is being created by techexplorer.
AddInDestroy Called to singnal that an add-in instance is going to be removed by techexplorer.
Asynchronous Operations Description
techexplorerGetLocalFileNameForURL Used by an add-in to fetch data associated with a URL.
AddInLocalFileIsReady Called by techexplorer to indicate that the contents of a URL request has arrived.
Evaluation API Description
AddInEvaluate Used to recieve application specific data from a techexplorer document or Java.
AddInBlockingEvaluate Used to recieve application specific data from a techexplorer document or Java and return an output
techexplorerDisableEvaluate Disallow the execution of an \evalLink.
techexplorerEnableEvaluate Enable the execution of an \evalLink.
Document Object Model Description
DOMException Raised during "exceptional" circumstances
TEDOMImplementation Methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular document
TEDocumentFragment A "lightweight" or "minimal" TEDocument object
TEDocumentType An attribute of TEDocument
TEDocument Represents the entire techexplorer document
TENode Represents a single node in the document tree
TENodeList An ordered collection of nodes
TENamedNodeMap Collections of nodes that can be accessed by name
TECharacterData Set of attributes and methods for accessing character data
TEAttribute Represents an attribute in an TEElement object.
TEElement Basic techexplorer objects (eg. root, paragraph, ...)
TEText Represents the textual content of an TEElement or TEAttribute
TEComment Represents the content of a comment
TECDATASection Escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup
TENotation A notation declared in the DTD
TEEntity An XML Entity
TEEntityReference A reference to an XML Entity
TEProcessingInstruction An object for housing processor-specific information
Utility Description
AddInGetMIMEDescription Retrieve the MIME type, file extension, and description associated with an add-in.
techexplorerVersion Retrieve the add-in API major and minor number for both the add-in and techexplorer.

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