Extending techexplorer via Add-ins

The techexplorer add-in SDK

The feature described is only available in the Professional Edition of techexplorer.

This section describes the components of the techexplorer add-in Software Development Kit (SDK). This section describes the directory structure of the add-in SDK. The sample and template source code bundles distributed with the techexplorer add-in SDK provide the pieces necessary for add-in development.

The techexplorer add-in API is only available on Windows 98/95/NT. Hence, all examples provided are designed to be executed on a Windows platform. Each has been compiled and developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.

techexplorer add-in directory structure

The add-in SDK C++ source code is located in the AddInsSDK subdirectory. The following is an annotated listing of the structure of the techexplorer add-in SDK directory hierarchy.

Directory Description
AddInsSDK Within this directory reside two subdirectories and two files used by techexplorer add-ins. These files include the TaApi.h header file and TaApi.cpp source file. Both of these files provide the definitions and implementations necessary for interfacing C/C++ code with techexplorer. They are not intended to be modified by add-in developers.
AddInsSDK/DOM Interface code for accessing the document object model via a C++ add-in.
AddInsSDK/DocumentExplorer The DocumentExplorer add-in displays the document hierarchy in the form of tree as well as provides a graphical interface for Document Object Model operations.
AddInsSDK/Simple The Simple add-in can display either a provided text string or the contents of a URL in a popup window.
AddInsSDK/Random The Random add-in produces a random integer and serves as an example of an add-in the makes use of the AddInBlockingEvaluate function.
AddInsSDK/Template The templates provided are empty add-ins that can be used as the starting point for developing techexplorer add-ins.

Sample techexplorer add-ins

IBM techexplorer DocumentExplorer add-in

The DocumentExplorer add-in displays the document hierarchy in the form of tree as well as provides a graphical interface for Document Object Model operations. The add-in registers as handling the application/x-document-explorer-string MIME type. The DocumentExplorer is a good example of building a techexplorer add-in that makes use of the Document Object Model (DOM) API.

IBM techexplorer Simple add-in

The Simple add-in can display either a provided text string or the contents of a URL in a popup window. This add-in registers as handling both the application/x-simple-url and application/x-simple-string MIME types. It is intended to show how to use the basic add-in API (initialize, shutdown, instance create, instance delete), asynchronous document operations (request/fetch URLs), as well as the Evaluation API (evaluate, enable/disable evaluate).

IBM techexplorer Random add-in

The Random add-in implements the AddInBlockingEvaluate method by producing a random integer seeded by using the current time. The add-in registers as handling the application/x-random MIME type.

Template add-ins

The techexplorer add-in SDK provides empty examples that provide default implementations for all of the functions required by the add-in interface. These add-in templates can be used as the foundation for developing new techexplorer add-ins.

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