Scripting the techexplorer Hypermedia Browser

Expression Selector

The feature described is only available in the Professional Edition of techexplorer.

The Expression Selector Java applet allows the user to select subexpressions of mathematical equations. This is accomplished by using the techexplorer MouseEvent and the Document Object Model (DOM) API. The MouseEvent provide two methods ( getNodePathList, getNodeSelectionList) for accessing Nodes that are triggered by a particular event.

The Expression Selector handles techexplorer generated mouseMoved and mouseRelease events. It is in the mouseMoved and mouseRelease methods where the current selection (Selection Path), the currently clicked on node (Node Path) and the current node under the cursor (Motion Path) is determined.

Try out the Expression Selector below!

You can even input a new equation by typing in the LaTeX source in the field provided above. For example, in the Input window, type a math expression like $\frac{a}{b} = 0$. Then click on Latex Input to see the formula displayed. The Expression Selector applet uses the createFromTexString method defined in TEDocument to obtain a DOM fragment from the input source. This fragment is then inserted into the document tree.

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